Sausage, Zucchini and Pasta

This was a quick meal to put together. I sauteed sausage in olive oil until sausage was browned. I added sliced zucchini, yellow squash, onions and cook until the squash was caramelized. I seasoned it with salt and pepper. I had some left over grilled onions, peppers, tomatoes and zucchini from last night. Into the sauce they went. I added some butter and then some white wine. From the pasta pan I added about 1/4 cup of water. Added the pasta to the saute pan to finish cooking. Wow. A perfect meal for the end of a crazy week.

It may have been a crazy week but at least I have the handsomest kitty!

So what did we have for dinner a year ago?
Green Beans with Sauce and Eggs

So what did we have for dinner 2 years ago?
Polpette Di Pane (Bread Balls in Tomato Sauce

So what did we have for dinner 3 years ago?

About butiamlucia123

I am a graphic/web designer. When not at work I love being in the kitchen. It brings back good memories of all the great cooks in my family who are no longer with us. Sometimes when my husband comes home he will say our house smells like an Italian restaurant. I know of no greater compliment.
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1 Response to Sausage, Zucchini and Pasta

  1. That is my kind of pasta dish! Glad you stopped by, I do poached figs in the crockpot and also have my mom's cookie recipe.. if you message me on Facebook I would be happy to send it. Have never posted them on my blog. Let me know have a great weekend CLaudia

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