Lentils, Sausage, Chard and Barley


Tonight’s dinner started as a post on Facebook by Judy Witts Francini, the owner of Cucina Divina. It was a post with a photo of lentil soup with chard and sausage. I was so thrilled because I wanted to make Lentils for New Years Day. Two of Italy’s culinary symbols of good luck are the lentil and the pig. Another bonus was that I had every ingredient in the house.

I sauteed onion, carrot and celery. Next I added the sausage and browned that. I added the Swiss chard and after that was wilted I added Chicken broth. After the lentils were cooked they were added to the pot. I was going to add a pasta but I had the pearl barley left over from last night’s dinner.

This was a hit. It was so flavorful and seasoned nicely if I do say so myself!

New Years Resolutions… Learn Italian and learn how to make an ebook. And stop eating Christmas cookies for breakfast!

About butiamlucia123

I am a graphic/web designer. When not at work I love being in the kitchen. It brings back good memories of all the great cooks in my family who are no longer with us. Sometimes when my husband comes home he will say our house smells like an Italian restaurant. I know of no greater compliment.
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4 Responses to Lentils, Sausage, Chard and Barley

  1. Rosemary says:

    I would have loved to have this on New Year's Day instead of my husband's fave — pork and sauerkraut. (I'll lobby for next year!

  2. Well your husband's fave sounds pretty good too!

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