Meat Pie and Caesar Salad

After yesterday’s amazing meal I had something lighter in mind for dinner.
There are so many dishes and meals that my mom made that have such strong memories attached to them. The Meat Pie has to be at the top of the list. I use to go over to my parent’s house, after I had moved out, and helped my mom make these pies. We usually made them on Holy Thursday. Even with the two of us it was a lot of work. But it was fun. We would end up laughing at the silliest things, probably from exhaustion.
This year the pies came out exceptionally good. I used a low sodium ham. The first bite I could taste the difference. Not sure if anyone else noticed.

About butiamlucia123

I am a graphic/web designer. When not at work I love being in the kitchen. It brings back good memories of all the great cooks in my family who are no longer with us. Sometimes when my husband comes home he will say our house smells like an Italian restaurant. I know of no greater compliment.
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